In this major version a lot of the parameters of the webapp have been updated/refined.
Here is the changes you need to apply to your values.json to migrate smoothly.
The THEME_ID parameter has been removed.
Onyxia is now fully customizable instead of just letting you pick within a handful of predefined themes.
onyxia: web: env:- HEADER_ORGANIZATION: SSP Cloud+ HEADER_TEXT_BOLD: SSP Cloud- HEADER_USECASE_DESCRIPTION: Datalab+ HEADER_TEXT_FOCUS: Datalab- DESCRIPTION: Shared platform for statistical data processing and data science services+ SOCIAL_MEDIA_DESCRIPTION: Shared platform for statistical data processing and data science services+ SOCIAL_MEDIA_TITLE: Datalab - SSP Cloud
You must now bundle your assets such as the terms of services inside your onyxia instance. The newer version of Onyxia won't fetch resource from arbitrary URLs.
See CUSTOM_RESOURCES in the .env file.
Keycloak Theme
If you are using the Onyxia Keycloak theme and your instance is public you might want to fill up the ONYXIA_ prefixed environement variable in your Keycloak envs.
See install doc.