Last updated
Last updated
The full documentation of the avalable parameter can be found here:
Onyxia is configured to make the the browser cache assets so they are not re-downloaded each time the user access the app.
If you update some of your asset but keep the same URL, you can force the browser of your users to download the new version by adding a query parameter to the URL. Eample:
HEADER_LOGO: "%PUBLIC_URL%/custom-resources/logo.svg?v=2"
Here are two base look that you can use a starting point of your configuration.
Note that your custom assets are imported into your Onyxia instance via the use of the CUSTOM_RESOURCES
parameter, url of a ZIP archive that should contain you assets. An example is given at the top of the file.
Make sure to checkout the version of this document that matches the Onyxia version that you are deploying. .
Customize your Onyxia instance with your assets and your colors, make it your own!